Get The Love You Need Starting Today!

Dissolve your unconscious love blocks, break unhealthy relationship patterns and become the secure and confident version of yourself that is irresistibly attractive to all the right kinds of people with the powerful 'Epic Love Method'

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Become The Deeply Loving Woman With Soul, Strength & Magnetic Radiance Who Embraces Life, Feels Free & Creates The Most Fulfilling Relationships

You are one of the few people on this planet who are meant to have the most beautiful and extraordinary relationships.

Because relationships matter to you.

Because you are a kind and caring person.

Because you love to love.

And so far, you have given it your all. You’ve put in the time, effort and energy and loved people more than you knew you could.

And still, it didn’t work out.

That’s when the doubt kicks in …

  • Am I doomed to attract the wrong partners?
  • Is it maybe just not possible for me?
  • Maybe I’m not lovable enough?
  • Or maybe I am too much?
  • What if it will never happen?!

And sometimes that doubt makes you stay in the wrong relationship until you shut down emotionally and just go through the motions. 

And sometimes you try again with someone else only to have another horrible relationship experience that leaves you reeling and a little less hopeful. 

But still, you are unwilling to give up on love. You will make this happen. You are determined.

Accepting defeat is out of the question. And that’s your winning attitude!

So how about you implement the last piece of the puzzle that rarely anyone talks about and shares so that you get to try again knowing everything you need to know about creating a loving relationship and finally getting the love you need?

Because here’s what usually happens without that missing piece of the puzzle …

Can You Relate To Any Of These?

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You want to break unhealthy relationship patterns and habits so that you can finally attract a loving, secure partner to co-create a healthy relationship with that’s full of romance, fun, love AND stability.

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Maybe you want to give your relationship one last shot and so want to figure out what’s going wrong and what needs to be changed so that you can fall back in love and avoid breaking up. 

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You want to go from feeling anxious and insecure or shut down and detached in your relationships to feeling secure, calm, confident and relaxed AND able to speak your mind.

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You want to learn how to connect more deeply, create mutually enjoyable and fulfilling relationships that allow you to experience deep, soul-nourishing intimacy. 

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You want to create the most evolved type of relationship that allows you to heal at the deepest level, feel safe and trust your partner fully, and make your own life dreams and success goals come true.

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You want to learn the exact steps and skills necessary to create a relationship in which you feel supported, appreciated, wanted and loved without having to hustle for it or lose yourself in.

(OR you have decided that your string of toxic relationships has to end  and you want to learn how to avoid ever finding yourself in that situation again.)

If so, you're NOT alone ... I used to relate to all of that!

Hi I'm Marlena

and I see our relationships as the foundation that gives us wings to fly. (I'm BIG on actualisation and creating a life you love!!!)

When I was in unhealthy relationships, I didn’t have the energy to pursue my dreams. I was scared. I felt small. I felt completely insignificant and alone. My self-esteem was non-existent. I felt like I was just going through the motions.

But I knew that not everyone experienced their relationship in this kind of way. I had plenty of friends who were happy with their partners. They had fun together. They travelled. They created amazing careers and eventually they started families.

So why wasn’t it like that for me? 

Marlena Tillhon Soul-Aligned Success Coach

What I wish I'd known ...

Today I know that there were 3 main factors that contributed to my relationship problems and my feelings of loneliness, disconnection and powerlessness.

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Unconscious Love Blocks

I had a number of love blocks that I wasn’t aware of which meant that I unconsciously sabotaged my success in relationships. As a result, I was constantly disrespected and emotionally neglected or invalidated by others.

Love blocks stem from the relationship blueprint we inherited as children and if the blueprint is unhealthy, we are doomed to repeat unhealthy patterns until we do the inner work to break free from them. So that's what I decided to do ...

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Unhealed Trauma

Because I held a lot of unhealed trauma, I was wired for self-protection, not openness, connection or intimacy.

This made me either choose completely unsuitable and sometimes abusive partners to reinforce my fears or it made me shut down with the right kinds of people who were put off by my shy or fiercely independent attitude.

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Energetic Misalignment

While I craved love more than anything, everything about me was fear-based. The way I approached relationships, how I behaved in them, what I thought about myself or my partner ... all of it was laced with energy of fear.

This made it impossible for me to be in an open, loving and receptive energy that was in alignment with the relationship I wanted to be in. And when all of your input is fear, the outcome just can’t be love.

After a decade of working as a trauma- and attachment-focused psychotherapist, relationship coach and codependency expert, I know EXACTLY what is required to create healthy, loving and fun relationships that last and support your dreams and ambitions.

I have discovered the special ingredients required to bring about deep, lasting change: The Elements of Epic Love.

Today, I teach my client the energetic alignment and embodiment practices that heal them at the deepest level and liberate them from the fears, insecurities and patterns that tie them to fear-and shame-based relationship experiences.

Because this is where it's at: energetic repatterning and realignment.

I cannot wait to share more with you! 

Are You Ready For This?

I want to show you what's possible for you! 


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Know exactly what is and what isn't healthy or working and what to do about your current relationship problems.

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Learn the skills needed to create a relationship that works for you AND your partner and that you both enjoy being in. 

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Feel safe, held and seen by your partner and co-create the emotional closeness and intimacy you have been craving all your life. 

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Let your relationship feel fun, light and exciting. Have adventures together and feel like your relationship provides you with opportunities to live more!

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Feel deeply supported and appreciated by your partner so that it's easy for you to pursue your dreams and create a life you feel proud of. 

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Experience romance and passionate sex no matter how long you've been together because you are mastering next level relational skills that allow you to make love last. 

But Most Importantly!

You will heal the relationship you have with yourself at the deepest level, reclaim your self-worth, liberate yourself from past pain and activate your feminine essence to feel open, liberated, empowered, activated and irresistibly attractive. 


 If this sounds like something you'd like to experience in your life, then my 3-month transformative experience is the PERFECT solution for you. 

Introducing ...

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The Epic Love (R)Evolution is a 3-month long LIVE experience with personal expert support in which you learn how to apply the elements of the Epic Love method in your life to let go of past heartbreak and current relationship struggles, learn vital relationship skills and become your most empowered and attractive self.

In this customised experience, you will make sense of your relationship patterns and problems, learn to resolve and let go of them while also experiencing inner healing, masterful self-regulation and energetic upgrades that call in deeper connections, more fun, lightness, love and greater intimacy.

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, this high-level expert support and hands-on experience will transform all of your relationships, change the way you see yourself forever (and for the better!) and uplevel your love life in ways you never thought possible.

(Please note: This is NOT a self-study course. It is a small, close proximity container with hands-on expert support.)

Create Healthy Relationships - Program with an Expert Relationship Coach


☑️ 12 LIVE Sessions that provide you with personalised support so that you can integrate and implement what you are learning and see real change happen (valued at $777 each)

☑️ Exclusive Masterclasses teaching you the Epic Love elements, core skills and energy upgrades needed create loving and healthy relationships (valued at $675 each) 

☑️ Daily Support from Monday - Friday to ensure you progress faster, heal more deeply and develop the perfect Epic Love journey for you (valued at $2331)

☑️ Journal Prompts to gain clarity, heal at a deep level and accelerate your transformation (valued at $295)

☑️ The Epic Love Community for empowering live interactions, enhanced accountability and personalised support (valued at $2222 per year)

☑️ Access To Course Materials beyond the 12 weeks of live participation so you can rewatch and integrate the new practices and skills more deeply

☑️ Surprise Bonuses (valued at $2777) more info below ... this is going to be so much fun! You're about to dream bigger!

 Total Value $25260 

Special Introductory Offer Today $1111


How we'll make some magic happen ... 

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Recalibration is all about shifting out of what doesn’t work and shifting into what does.

This is where we identify all the sneaky little habits, unconscious patterns and energetic misalignments that sabotage your relationship success from the inside out.

This then allows us to become very intentional with customising your unique relationship revolution which evolves around the inner healing required, the development of healthy relationship skills, a new level of self-mastery (and self-regulation) and the energetic embodiment that is vital for attracting healthier partner and relationships. 

Self-Worth & Confidence Program

During The Recalibration Phase, You Will:

  • discover the root cause of your relationship problems and address the core issues that keep you trapped in unhealthy cycles so that you can break free from them once and for all.
  • clearly identify your most dominant love block, your relationship blueprint and the patterns that stop you from receiving love so that you can intentionally create a new pattern that leads to amazing outcomes. 
  • begin to heal the relationship you have with yourself and develop a strong sense of self-trust, self-belief and empowered confidence so that you will only ever make the best choices for yourself.
  • create a strong commitment to realising your upgraded relationship vision with my powerful creation processes which means that you will create a relationship that is better than anything you have ever dared to hope for.
  • learn the simplest yet most effective strategy to attracting a partner who is a perfect match for you … and this strategy involves all levels - practical, emotional and energetic - which is why it is so powerful.

Just Imagine ...

finally understanding where you've gone wrong in the past and realising that you can have the relationship you want after all?!

That is the moment when it feels like a weight has been lifted that has been burdening you for years and kept you spinning round in circles.

Knowing what you can let go off, knowing that can safely shift into a different way of being and loving, knowing that it's not too late and that anything is possible for you, knowing that is a life-changing experience. It's simply priceless!

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Repatterning is about creating a new path to follow that feels good and will lead you to the results you want to achieve and experience. 

Life is too short too go around in circles and waste your time and energy on people who will never be able or willing to co-create a happy, healthy and harmonious relationship experience with you that allows you both to thrive in life and achieve you biggest goals and dreams. 

It's time to lay a new foundation! It's time to become the version of yourself who feels in charge of her emotions, who has unwavering self-esteem and who will only make choices that are good for her and lead to her desired outcomes.  

Repatterning allows you to reclaim your voice, your truth, your power.

But best of all, you reconnect with your self-worth. And that’s when the magic begins to happen and creating wonderful relationships starts to feel easy, fun and effortless.

Self-Worth & Confidence Program

In The Repatterning Phase, You Will:

  • Learn the art of creating deep and meaningful connection with yourself and others that nourishes you from the inside out, makes relationships deeply fulfilling and provides you with a sense of trust that banishes all relationship-related anxiety and insecurity.
  • Unlock a new level of self-regulation and self-mastery when it comes to shifting out of anxious or avoidant attachment strategies and into a secure and regulated state of being that allows you to feel in control of yourself and behave in ways that you feel proud of.
  • Let go of sacrificing yourself, being codependent, bottling things up and keeping yourself in the ‘Good Girl’ role while suffocating on the inside and embrace a new sense of personal empowerment that only ever leads to reciprocal relationships you feel wanted, loved and chosen in.
  • Get crystal-clear about who you want to spend your life with and what green flags you have to get good at spotting so that you can kiss any abandonment fears goodbye and instead learn to enjoy and relax into your relationships.

Imagine What It Will Be Like For You ...

when you feel like you can finally breathe and know that everything you’ve ever wanted is happening right here, right now. You are loved. You are safe. You feel good about yourself. You finally enjoy your life.

And all of that because you said YES. All of that because you finally chose yourself. 

That is a moment of true empowerment. That is the moment you have been waiting for. 

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During this phase, unhealed trauma will feel like a hundred years ago. This is the true emergence of the real you. This is about full-blown next level embodiment! This is the part most others can’t guide you into because it takes a higher level of consciousness and openness to experience such transformative identify shifts.

But this is what makes change last. This is what leads to real transformation. This is how you create a relationship AND life you love!

We are working with the subconscious. We are working with energy. We are working at the deepest and most transformative level. 

This is where you will revolutionise your relationships forever and start to master the art of relating. Get ready to blow your own mind!

Self-Worth & Confidence Program

In The Realignment Phase, You Will:

  • Embrace an empowered sense of worth and self-expression which means that communication problems are a thing of the past. Instead, you will make it easy for yourself to get your needs met in fun and varied ways (without worrying about how to phrase it) and effortlessly attract soulmate connections. 
  • Tap into the Energy of Love and let go of anything that stands in the flow of it so that you can access a deep sense of warmth, love and safety within you whenever you want and radiate in ways that others find highly attractive. You will never feel unhealthily dependent on anyone else ever again!
  • Shift out of unhealed energy and solidly step into healed energy while unleashing and embodying more of your feminine essence which will help you to open up, attract and receive the love you’ve always longed for.
  • Let go of the past and unhelpful stories about yourself. Instead, embody the version of yourself that has released all receiving blocks, is able to navigate healthy interdependence in her relationships and open to co-creating a level of intimacy that feels soul-nourishing and that others find irresistible.

Just Imagine ...

how amazing it will be to feel truly wanted, chosen and loved for who you are. No more holding back. No more pretending. No more sacrificing what you want or downplaying who you are.

Give yourself a moment to imagine this, to truly feel it, the possibility, the pure potential that is available to you.

You have the power to make this your new reality. 100%. Absolutely. No matter what.


I am including an ever-growing list of bonuses that will blow your mind and help you to create your dream relationship.

Save your relationship course

Toxic No More

Access the 3 module course all about identifying toxic relationship behaviours, breaking free from them and ending your unhealthy relationship patterns for good.

(valued at $999)

The Relationship Reality Check

Learn how to identify the unloving habits that slowly wreck your relationship and how you can nip them in the bud before it's too late.

(valued at $777)

Unhealthy relationships course

Manifest Your Relationship Vision

Creating your relationship vision is going to transform your love life! For the first time ever, you will know exactly what you are aiming for which makes saying yes and no incredibly easy and guilt-free. You need to know what you want and be specific about it so you can make it happen!

(valued at $333)

Unhealthy relationships course

NEW: 2023 Masterclass Bundle

Receive this year's most successful masterclasses so far and learn how to create equal and balanced relationships in which you matter too and how to bring fun, lightness and love back into your relationship. Plus, experience the ultimate energetic upgrade by getting into alignment with the Energy of Love.

(valued at $333)


It's Time For You To Get The Love You Need

~ Revolutionise Your Relationships & Transform Your Love Life ~

Learn the expert secrets of how to create healthy relationships full of lightness, laughter and love. It's time to feel good together and to create a relationship you feel proud of!

Your Epic Love (R)Evolution


Special Offer: Pay-in-Full

12 weeks to the relationship of your dreams

  • Weekly Masterclasses and Q&As
  • 12 weeks of LIVE support for a customised experience
  • Empowering community support and real connection
  • Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience, empowered inner healing and energy work (alignment & embodiment)



Pay in 12 Weekly Instalments

12 weeks to the relationship of your dreams

  • Weekly Masterclasses and Q&As
  • 12 weeks of LIVE support for a customised experience
  • Empowering community support and real connection
  • Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience, empowered inner healing and energy work (alignment & embodiment)
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“Working with Marlena has been life-changing. I didn't expect it to be as powerful as it was, I've got to be honest. She has a very different way with people and makes you feel at ease. She gives you a new way of looking at things and understanding yourself. I really thought I was a bit crazy but Marlena has helped me make sense of what was going on for me and guided me towards what she calls my next level. It was really great and I highly recommend working with her.”


Marlena Tillhon Self-Love Coach

This isn't just my profession and passion - all of this comes from personal experience!

Everything I teach and share with you comes as a direct result of my inner healing journey, my professional knowledge and my work in my personal relationships.

It's real-life stuff that works! 

I've seen it all. I've heard it all. I've also experienced a lot of it myself.

The incessant arguments. Being blamed and turned into a scapegoat. The hurtful comments. Being criticised, shouted at and put down. Feeling humiliated and unloved. Being sexually rejected. Having my emotional needs ridiculed and invalidated. Being ghosted and dismissed. Getting hit and hurt. And so much more ...

There's nothing we cannot heal and I am living proof of that.

Today I want to share everything I know and embody in my relationship and life so that you can also heal and relax into feeling wanted and loved in your relationship. Even if your partner isn't on board yet.

It's time for you to feel safe and calm, to let go of this sense of impending doom, the constant anxiety, the fear of being abandoned. You just want to breathe and be rid of the pressure, the fear, the frustration, the deep and painful sadness of it all.

I want to reassure you that all of this is possible for you. Together, we can turn things around quickly.

I am here to help you and all you've got to say is YES.

To yourself. To your relationship. To your love life. To your future. To your Epic Love (R)Evolution.

With Love, Marlena

Marlena Tillhon Self-Love Coach


  • You are done with feeling unhappy and miserable in your relationship and want to break unhealthy relationship patterns for good to give yourself the best chance of experiencing what it’s like to feel wanted, supported and loved.
  • You are willing to take back control and implement changes in your relationship that will show you whether you can save it or not - either way, you will know what to do and have certainty around your next steps. 
  • You have a history of being in unhealthy relationships or had traumatic experiences in your childhood that now show up in your adult relationships and ruin your chance of being happy and feeling safe with others.
  • You are all-in, committed and determined to figure out how you can let go of everything that holds you back from having the love life you want to have.
  • You have tried numerous things before but felt disappointed. Now you are looking for something truly transformative and not just information. You want to experience a new way of being you and a new way of relating to yourself and others.

This is NOT for you if ...

  • you are in a violent relationship right now.
  • you are being financially controlled.
  • you live with an unpredictable and unsafe person who could threaten your life.
  • you are unwilling to make changes or take action.
  • you want someone to rescue you from your problems.

If any of these apply to you, I encourage you to seek 1-1 support and contact local support agencies or charities.

It's Time For You To Get The Love You Need

~ Revolutionise Your Relationships & Transform Your Love Life ~

Learn the expert secrets on how to break unhealthy patterns for good and to create healthy relationships full of lightness, laughter and love. It's time to feel attractive, wanted and loved and to create a relationship you feel proud of!

Your Epic Love (R)Evolution


Special Offer: Pay-in-Full

12 weeks to the relationship of your dreams

  • Weekly Masterclasses and Q&As
  • 12 weeks of LIVE support for a customised experience
  • Empowering community support and real connection
  • Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience, empowered inner healing and somatic energy work



Pay in 12 Weekly Instalments

12 weeks to the relationship of your dreams

  • Weekly Masterclasses and Q&As
  • 12 weeks of LIVE support for a customised experience
  • Empowering community support and real connection
  • Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience, empowered inner healing and somatic energy work

Frequently Asked Questions

Get Special Treatment!

~ Work with me 1-1 in the VIP Experience ~

Include 6 sessions lasting 45 minutes each to accelerate your progress, devise your customised Epic Love strategy & solve the relationship riddles you never quite understood before for ultimate success in all of your relationships!

VIP Epic Love (R)Evolution


Special Pricing: Pay-in-Full

12 Weeks to Relationship Security & Success

  • 6 one-to-one sessions via video call that provide you with in-depth support and an exceptional healing experience
  • 2 half-days of Voxer support per week - (24 in total)
  • Access to all Epic Love Masterclasses and Bonuses
  • 12 weeks of LIVE support and group Q&As
  • Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience, empowered inner healing & the Energetics of Love (energy work).

What My Epic Love Revolution Has Led To


Put yourself in charge of your love life, learn all the skills needed to create beautiful and soul-nourishing relationships and grow into the woman that is ready to receive love while feeling confident and great about herself.

This experience may be for 12 weeks but the transformation will last a lifetime and impact everyone around you positively.

That is real love.

Say YES to this journey of a lifetime!