Early Bird Price Ends Sept 27th










Empowering mind mastery for ambitious people who want to release limiting beliefs so they can confidently step into their next level in love, life & business

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Are you ready for more from life, your relationships, your career … yourself?

Have you always felt that there was more you could do, experience, achieve, share of yourself?

Yes? I know you know what I mean.

It’s a feeling more than anything, right?

But then there is that little voice that tells you to stop being so silly, to stop dreaming, to be more realistic and to just be grateful for what you already have. And you are. 

You are grateful AND you want more.

And that is okay.

You're Also Ready For The Next Level!

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You are ready to break through your fears, insecurities and limiting beliefs to finally become everything you know you are capable of.

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You are ready to stop hiding in the corner of the room admiring others in the limelight and step into the middle of the room feeling fully worthy.

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You are ready to feel amazing, excited about the person you are becoming, finally do what you want and live life on your terms.

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You are ready to let go of old rules, roles and expectations that no longer serve you so you can feel truly free to grow, expand and embrace success in love, life and business.

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You are ready to leave your very uncomfortable comfort zone behind, unlock your desires and follow your dreams without doubting yourself, wavering or playing small.

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You are ready to feel in control of your mind and create new ways of thinking and feeling that allow you to take easy aligned action so you can finally get what you want.

And You Can Make It Happen!

Despite the stories you tell yourself and despite the limiting beliefs that hold you back ...

How do I know?

Because I discovered some powerful mindset shifts that allow us to step out of the shadows and become free to soar straight into our next level and then the next and then the next … into effortless growth and expansion in all areas of life.

I Used To Feel Held Hostage By My Fears 

You see, for most of my life, I was the shiest, most inhibited person you can imagine. I was totally crippled by insecurity, shame and fear.

I didn’t look or sound confident because I didn’t feel confident. I lived my life from a place of disempowerment and victimhood. I felt trapped and like nothing was possible for me. And so, because nothing seemed possible, I didn’t even try.

But that all changed when I couldn’t deny the part of myself anymore that wanted more than a boring existence within a very uncomfortable comfort zone. I had 1 life, for goodness' sake! What was I doing with it!? 

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Then I Liberated Myself & Began To Thrive

I was too scared to speak out or show up as myself. I was too afraid to go after what I wanted. To be honest, most of the time I didn’t even know what I wanted. And so I just accepted whatever came along, whether that was good for me or not (cue: relationships!).

But then I had massive mindset shifts, made huge leaps and now I know exactly what I want, choose beliefs that serve me and take aligned action that ALWAYS gets me what I want:

the loving relationship, the wonderful family, the super-supportive and funny partner, the most amazing community of people who motivate me to grow and share more of myself, more success and wealth than I ever thought possible for me and most importantly, an unwavering self-belief that I can and am creating a life that’s easy for me to enjoy and that I feel truly proud of.

I finally feel free. 

And now, I’M FREE TO SOAR!



The life-changing program of Empowering Mind Mastery helping you to release limiting beliefs so you can confidently step into your next level in love, life & business and surpass even your wildest dreams.

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☑️ 7 Trainings (valued at $247 each)

☑️ Transformative Activities to deepen your transformation (valued at $97 each)

☑️ Private Support Community (valued at $564 per year)

☑️ Lifetime Access to All Trainings (priceless!)

Total Value $2972

>>> SAVE $2861 <<<

Early Bird Offer Today Only $111


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The Instant Anxiety Relief Kit

A powerful exercise highlighting which areas of life need more 'thrive'

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Mind Mastery Meditation

Learn my 5 most powerful practices to connect with myself & grow confident

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Dealing with Difficult Feelings Masterclass

Find out how you can make change happen the easy way without struggling

✔️ Want to let go of the past and fully step into a new beginning full of confidence, fun and self-expression?

✔️ Want to feel empowered to find your voice and speak your truth without feeling awkward, afraid or embarrassed?

✔️ Want to go back on the dating scene to attract a soulmate lover or simply make new friends and feel a sense of belonging?

✔️ Want to experience mind-blowing love, trust and passion in a relationship that lasts?

✔️ Want to put out a new program that wildly sells out or start a new career without doubting yourself or procrastinating on it?


You’ve got it!!!


Free to Soar gives you ALL the pieces of the puzzle you need to reach whatever goal you desire by tapping into your power, releasing insecurities and fears while developing unwavering self-belief and confidence through empowering mindset work coupled with aligned action.

You will achieve your wildest dreams that you never thought possible way faster than anyone could have ever imagined.

You will make the seemingly impossible possible just by unlocking the power and desires within you that you’ve kept hidden for so long.

1 - Tap Into Your Next Level

Let go of limiting or negative beliefs that have kept you stuck and get crystal-clear on your next level dreams so you can turn them into reality.

Learn my unique visualisation technique that allows you to grow and expand emotionally so that you can hold space for tapping into your next level without being put off or held back by past judgments, fears and insecurities.

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2 - Unleash Your Desires

Unlock your desires, let them excite you and take aligned action so you can effortlessly make the moves that allow you to hit your goal quickly.

Learn to trust your desires and strengthen your attunement and connection to them so that they may guide your future choices and actions leading to greater success and joy than you thought possible in all areas of life.

Get confident in taking action and let indecisiveness be a thing of the past - once and for all.

3 - Become Limitless

Trade in feeling limited, stifled and inhibited for becoming limitless and seeing opportunities to grow, have fun and succeed everywhere you look.

See through the illusion of fear-based and shame-based thoughts and begin to liberate yourself from anything that has weighed you down and stopped you from doing what you’ve always wanted to do.

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4 - Release Toxic Beliefs

Develop a mindset that make it easy for your enjoy the journey, the process and the experiences you are having while you are achieving your goals.

Learn my most effective strategies to release toxic beliefs, insecurities, fears or doubts and gain the clarity of mind you need to let your desires and intuition lead the way to limitless success, Epic Love and whatever else you desire. 

5 - Boost Your Growth

Trust the unfolding of your desired successes and become the empowered version of yourself that feels open to receiving what she desires.

Discover a part of emotional mastery that will highlight when growth is taking place so that you can boost it by leaning into it. This growth-boosting technique is simple, highly effective and does not require you to do anything else apart from staying with it.

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6 - Expand Into Possibility

Tap into experiencing abundance, possibility and flow with ease and set it to become ‘your new normal’.  

Play with the power of ‘what if’ and expand energetically around it so that, instead of feeling limited by ‘worst-case-scenario’ thinking, you become motivated and energised by seeing new opportunities you were too afraid to see before.

7 - Supersize Your Dreams

Supersize your dreams, drown out the nay-sayers and develop unshattering self-belief no matter what old stories resurface.

Shift out of being ‘rational’ about what you think is possible for you straight into the infinite possibilities that life presents to you so that you can get started with creating ‘the impossible’ pretty much immediately.

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YES! I'm Ready to Soar!!!


YES! Of course you can! Let me share with you who this program is perfect for and who isn’t a great match just yet.


🌟 You are so done with playing small and are ready to discover all that you are.

🌟 You want to re-evaluate your choices and spice things up.

🌟 You are committed to your personal growth and want to live your best life.

🌟 You want to unlock your potential and discover your unique gifts.   

🌟 You are so ready to blow your own mind!


❌ You want to be right more than anything.

❌ You want to find evidence for why you can't have what you want to have.

❌ You don't want to take action and things to just happen for you.

❌ You are committed to finding excuses for why you can't do things.

❌ You are dedicated to staying within your comfort zone for the rest of your life. 

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“The mindset work I did with Marlena changed everything for me. It completely overhauled my failing relationship and I feel million times better about myself than I ever thought possible!”

I Want This Too!
Marlena Tillhon Relationship Coach

My Personal Transformation

Before I knew how to manage my mind, I felt thrown about all over the place, usually too overwhelmed to do anything fun or meaningful. Once I learnt mind mastery skills, my life changed in ways I could have never imagined.

I went from depressed to grateful and breathing in life as it happened around me.

I left behind toxic relationships that had drained and harmed me for years and met interesting, respectful and amazing new people.

I became financially independent as I began to tap into my newly found wealth and abundance mindset and co-founded a multi 6-figure business.

I left my home town and moved my family to a city to experience a different kind of lifestyle which bonded us greatly. 

I finally experienced the love and confidence I had always longed for and am growing on a daily basis. I feel truly blessed, grateful and happy.

I now live a Life of Epic Love!

Early Bird  Price Ends Sept 17th









There Are Two Ways For You To Join

'Free to Soar' is a stand-alone program that will benefit you in all areas of life by unlocking the parts of you you need to take charge of living life your way so it's easy. for you to enjoy.

If you want to implement it in a more customised way that will speed up and deepen your transformation, add a one-to-one session with me during which I will share special tools and strategies.

Course Only


Top features

  • 7 Powerful Trainings
  • Transformative Activities
  • Private Support Community
  • Lifetime Course Access
  • 3 Exclusive Bonuses
YES! I'm So Excited!

Course + 1 session


Top features

  • 1 x 45 minute session with Marlena
  • 7 Powerful Masterclasses
  • 7 Transformative Activities
  • Private Support Community
  • Everything included in course
I'm Having The VIP Service

Frequently Asked Questions

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“I had felt trapped in my marriage for many years. I was done with being the supporting actress and having to go without what I wanted. I didn't want to wait for my husband to change so I changed and Marlena's course helped me so much with it. I didn't know where to start and her strategy was perfect. I felt more confident, had lots of fun and my husband actually started to take an interest because he thought he was losing me! Miracles do happen lol”

Early Bird Price Ends Sept 17th










Your Next Level is within reach. You can have what you want AND MORE. All of a sudden, nothing feels impossible anymore. Your potential has been calling you all your life and this time, you're ready to step into it and unleash it.