You're ready to find out whether your doubts are based on irrational fears or whether your intuition is spot on and your partner just isn't 'The One'!
And there I was again, in yet another relationship that didn’t feel right, where something was off but I didn’t know what. Doubts plagued me, made me overthink everything and have the most explosive arguments with my partner that never went anywhere and only made me feel more alone and unsure about him.
Worst of all, I didn’t know what to do because I didn’t understand what was actually going on!
- Was I just making it all up?
- Did I have unrealistic expectations?
- Was I ungrateful, perfectionistic or even entitled?
Or was my intuition trying to tell me something?
- That I deserved more and shouldn’t settle?
- That my partner just wasn’t right for me?
- That all of my fears were based in reality and I should trust myself?
I felt totally confused, overwhelmed and unable to make a decision whether I should stay or go.
Talking to my friends didn’t help. If anything, it made me more confused and now I also felt under pressure to follow their advice. Not what I needed!
And maybe you can relate … maybe you have doubts about your relationship too ...
Whatever it is, you’re struggling and not going anywhere fast. And it’s frustrating as hell!
Because you really value your relationship.
You prioritise your love life and want it to feel magical and to be the envy of all of your friends. You want to feel truly loved and you’re willing to put in the time, effort and energy it takes to make your happily ever after come true.
But you’re no longer willing to lose yourself in your relationship and give up on what you want and need.
This has has got to work for both of you!
So how can you make it happen?
How can you make sure that you've chosen the right partner?
How can you know that you're tried everything you can before giving up?
Well here's what WON'T work:
❌ Endless counselling sessions complaining about each other while trying to figure out who’s right and who’s wrong (even though your egos love that … just like your counsellor’s bank account!)
❌ Continuing to blame yourself, overthink everything you say and do, make excuses for your partner and try to fix yourself in an attempt to make it work
❌ Brushing things under the carpet, crossing your fingers and hoping for the best aka waiting for your partner to come to their sense and change for you
❌ Tolerating, settling and trying to be grateful because that’s what most people advise you to do (while wasting precious time and an opportunity to experience real love)
❌ Continuing to talk to your partner about it and sharing the latest Instagram post with them in the hope that they’ll agree with you and give you what you want and need
❌ Manifesting change by visualising your dream relationship but not taking any kind of aligned action or addressing the underlying core issues that create so much doubt, conflict and stress
No you’re done with that.
You’re done with wasting your time.
You’re done with wasting you energy on something that just doesn't work.
You’re done with second chances and blind faith.
Instead, you are ready to do it properly this time.
Fully informed. With expert support ... and a love life make-over ;-)
You really want to know whether it's time to stay or go.
Hi I'm Marlena
and I have had way more than my fair share of relationship doubts and unhealthy relationship experiences.
It is what motivated me to become an expert in creating healthy, loving, safe and fun relationships even if you've been in bad ones before.
Even if you're anxious and insecure at times or worry about your partner leaving. Even if there's been trauma in your past. Or betrayal. Or any other reason to feel more paranoid or suspicious.
I know that you can get the love you need and I can help you figure out how.
But first, let's see what's going on in your relationship and whether you can fix or or whether it's time to move on and open up to new experience of love.

And here is how I'll help you to figure it out
There is a trialed and tested method to figuring out whether you should stay or go that has helped hundreds of my 1-1 clients already and that is about to make your (love) life a lot simpler too!

Identify Incompatibilities & Dealbreakers
Too many arguments go round and round in circles because we don't address the actual underlying core issue: that there may be incompatibilities you don't want to address ... because what if you find out you're not a great match ... what then?
I'll tell you exactly what to do then! And it's not necessarily breaking up ... there's a different way that doesn't involve your relationship ending. Ready to find out?

Trapped in Doomed Dynamics?
A lot of the time it's the relationship dynamic we co-create with our partner that leads to drama, arguments, feeling disconnected, not having sex and feeling unwanted and lonely.
It's time to tackle these because when one person changes something, they other person just has to follow. Let's find out what you can change that will lead to a completely different outcome ... one you actually want!

Is There An Intimacy Gap?
Emotional connection is the lifeblood of relationships. Being emotionally distant, unavailable or unsafe will stop you from feeling safe, open and bonded with your partner.
It's time to figure out where all the passion has gone and whether you can bring back those butterflies you loved so much when you first looked into each other's eyes (and some proper sexy time of course!).

What's Your Love Block?
That's the question you need to answer to make sure you don't unconsciously sabotage your relationship from the inside out!
You will learn exactly how to spot your love block and what to do about it so that it never interferes with you feeling happy, blissed out, safe and loved in your relationship ever again!
If this sounds like something you need to do to save your sanity as well your relationship, then my latest transformative experience is the PERFECT solution for you.
Introducing ...

The 'Should I Stay Or Should I Go' Program walks you through the process of identifying the 4 relationship pitfalls that lead to a lot of doubt, anxiety, conflict and stress in your relationship and life.
Identify the root cause of your doubts and relationship problems and learn the 5 Turnaround Techniques that will tell you exactly whether you should stay or go.

☑️ 5 Powerful No-Nonsense Modules that will answer your most pressing questions and that will save you time, money and energy because you'll finally get a clear answer that banishes your doubts and helps you to bring back the love if that's what you choose to do (valued at $999 each)
☑️ Exclusive Expert Support that makes it crystal-clear what's good for you and what isn't and how to can try to eliminate what isn't so that you can have a secure, happy and healthy relationship - no wishy-washy things you may want to hear, but everything that actually you need to hear (from a true expert) (valued at $1450)
☑️ 5 Transformative Activities that help you understand yourself, your partner, your dynamic and your relationship challenges at a deeper level - this is what allows you to discover NEW solutions you haven't tried before that can make all the difference! (valued at $225 each)
☑️ The Epic Love Community for empowering live interactions, enhanced accountability and personalised support (valued at $1111 per year)
☑️ Access To Program Materials beyond the 12 weeks of live participation so you can rewatch and integrate the new practices and skills more deeply for lasting change
☑️ Surprise Bonuses (valued at $777) more info below ... this is a TIME-LIMITED bonus! Don't miss out on personalised expert support!
Total Value $9458
Are You Ready For This?
I want to show you what's possible for you!
I am including an ever-growing list of bonuses that will blow your mind and help you to create your dream relationship.

Personalised Expert Feedback
Get personalised feedback about incompatibilities and dealbreakers unique to you based on your relationship vision and current problems.
(valued at $225)

Manifest Your Relationship Vision
Creating your relationship vision is going to transform your love life! For the first time ever, you will know exactly what you are aiming for which makes saying yes and no incredibly easy and guilt-free. You need to know what you want and be specific about it so you can make it happen!
(valued at $225)

The 2023 Masterclass Bundle
Receive this year's most successful masterclasses so far and learn how to create equal and balanced relationships in which you matter too and how to bring fun, lightness and love back into your relationship. Plus, experience the ultimate energetic upgrade by getting into alignment with the Energy of Love.
(valued at $333)
Banish Relationship Doubts, Figure Out What To Do Next
~ There's No More Time To Waste ~
Find out whether your relationship can be saved, whether you want to save it or whether you're ready to leave and move on.
The Stay Or Go Program
Special Offer: Pay-in-Full
- 5 Highly Transformative Modules with straight forward questions and clear answers & solutions that work for real people in real relationships
- Personalised BONUS: personalised feedback from me, Marlena, to detect incompatibilities based on your relationship vision and current relationship problems
- Empowering community support and real connection
- Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience and empowered inner healing
Pay in 2 Instalments
- 5 Highly Transformative Modules with straight forward questions and clear answers & solutions that work for real people in real relationships
- Personalised BONUS: personalised feedback from me, Marlena, to detect incompatibilities based on your relationship vision and current relationship problems
- Empowering community support and real connection
- Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience and empowered inner healing

“Working with Marlena has been life-changing. I didn't expect it to be as powerful as it was, I've got to be honest. She has a very different way with people and makes you feel at ease. She gives you a new way of looking at things and understanding yourself. I really thought I was a bit crazy but Marlena has helped me make sense of what was going on for me and guided me towards what she calls my next level. It was really great and I highly recommend working with her.”
This I learnt the hard way. In some relationships you can try your hardest and give your very best but it just never feels like it's good enough. Something just always feels off.
But instead of listening to myself and trusting my intuition, I tried harder, stuck it out for longer and wasted more time doing what didn't work.
I don't give up easily and I believe in making love last. But I also know that we must make sure that we get the foundation right. And that means choosing a compatible partner, someone who wants similar things to us, someone who creating a life together is going to be fun with.
And no, I don't believe in 'perfection' either. But trust me, there's a BIG difference between everyday issues and the issues you experience when your head is full of doubt about your relationship and partner.
One you can handle easily. The other negatively affects your health and wellbeing and takes up all your mental space and energy.
It's time for you to find out if you're in a relationship that can be or become what you want it to be or whether you don't have the foundation you need to make love last.
It's my privilege to be your guide on this journey. Either way it will end in you opening up to experiencing more love. Real love. Epic love.
With Love, Marlena
- You are done with feeling unhappy and miserable in your relationship and want to find out exactly what's wrong because you need to know.
- You are willing to take back control and implement changes in your relationship that will show you whether you can save it or not - either way, you will know what to do and have certainty around your next steps.
- You have a history of being in unhealthy relationships or had traumatic experiences in your childhood that now show up in your adult relationships and ruin your chance of being happy and feeling safe with others.
- You want to detect your inner love blocks to see if you're standing in your own way or whether you've just chosen an incompatible partner.
- You have a can-do attitude and want to try something that works in the real world and leads to real change.
This is NOT for you if ...
- you are in a violent relationship right now.
- you are being financially controlled.
- you live with an unpredictable and unsafe person who could threaten your life.
- you are unwilling to make changes or take action.
- you want someone to rescue you from your problems.
If any of these apply to you, I encourage you to seek 1-1 support and contact local support agencies or charities.
Banish Relationship Doubts, Figure Out What To Do Next
~ There's No More Time To Waste ~
Find out whether your relationship can be saved, whether you want to save it or whether you're ready to leave and move on.
The Stay Or Go Program
Special Offer: Pay-in-Full
- 5 Highly Transformative Modules with straight forward questions and clear answers & solutions that work for real people in real relationships
- Personalised BONUS: personalised feedback from me, Marlena, to detect incompatibilities based on your relationship vision and current relationship problems
- Empowering community support and real connection
- Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience and empowered inner healing
Pay in 2 Instalments
- 5 Highly Transformative Modules with straight forward questions and clear answers & solutions that work for real people in real relationships
- Personalised BONUS: personalised feedback from me, Marlena, to detect incompatibilities based on your relationship vision and current relationship problems
- Empowering community support and real connection
- Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience and empowered inner healing
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I start?
What is expected of me?
What if I'm single?
What if my partner isn't onboard?
How can I work with Marlena 1-1?
What if I’m not happy?
Get Special Treatment!
~ Work with me 1-1 in the VIP Experience ~
Include 3 sessions lasting 45 minutes each to accelerate finding your answers and banishing doubt, solving the relationship riddles you never quite understood before and creating a solid, practical and effective strategy for turning your relationship around or preparing to leave and starting over knowing exactly what to do next.
VIP Stay Or Go
Special Pricing: Pay-in-Full
Banish Your Relationship Doubts!
- 3 one-to-one sessions via video or voice call lasting 45 minutes each that provide you with in-depth support, an effective action plan and customised solutions
- 2 Voxer messaging sessions for follow up support, practical solutions and extra courage
- Access to the Epic Love community for deeper connection and additional support
- Customised transformative activities to super-charge your decision-making process
- Based on psychotherapeutic practices, attachment theory, neuroscience and empowered inner healing (energy work optional).