Secure in Love

How to meet your needs and feel happy, calm and confident in your relationship despite anxious attachment, abandonment fears, codependency or doubts about your relationship with The Thrive Formula

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Feeling Anxious, Insecure & Easily Triggered In Your Relationship?

Like so many of my clients, I always felt extremely anxious and insecure in my relationships.

  • I would overthink what my partner said or did which would often lead to arguments that left me feeling worse.
  • I tried to move the relationship ahead faster than was healthy and get more commitment from my partner to feel more secure in the relationship.
  • I would constantly worry about the relationship ending which would leave me feeling clingy, mistrustful and quick to overreact or panic.

To stop my partner from leaving me, I did things that weren’t good for me or the relationship:

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I focused all of my attention onto my partner, obsessed about the relationship and always tried to find ways to fix it by reading and taking courses about getting your partner to want you.

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I turned a blind eye to red flags, incompatibilities and deal breakers to stay in the relationship while constantly doubting and blaming myself or making myself wrong to avoid conflict.

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I betrayed my own values and morals, didn't set boundaries and walked on eggshells to avoid making my partner annoyed, upset or angry to stop him from wanting to break up with me.

But what all of this led me to was not the fairytale relationship experience I had hoped for.

I felt drained, disappointed, unloved and eventually bitter and resentful.

How could I be giving my all and still get so little back? Was I with the wrong person? Was I just really bad at relationships? Was I actually unlovable? Just what was wrong with me?!


and I have figured out how I sabotaged myself in my relationships and struggled with anxiety, insecurity and settling for the wrong relationship.

I had a tenacious need to know how I could fulfil my lifelong dream of being in a happy, healthy, loving and secure relationship and as a result I became I psychotherapist and relationship expert.

Because of everything I experienced, learnt and discovered, today I help my private clients to free themselves from the painful relationship experiences I used to go through too.

The three main problems we work through and transform into healing and empowering experiences are these:

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I believed that love meant sacrificing myself and so I felt selfish and guilty for taking care of myself.

I focused all of my attention away from myself to take care of my partner and believed that he would do the same - I was wrong. That's why I kept going without what I wanted or needed.

I didn't realise that creating dependency through self-sacrifice wasn't loving or healthy.

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Anxious Attachment

I believed that my relationship was my source of happiness and wellbeing and so overly focused on it.

I tried to get my partner to be who I needed him to be so that I could feel loved, supported, happy and appreciated.

But I didn't make a good partner choice and so my anxiety sky-rocketed. I didn't realise that feeling secure had to come from myself first. 

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Abandonment Fears

I was terrified of being alone and so needed to be with my partner which made me clingy, jealous and 'too much'. 

I was hyper-sensitive and felt easily rejected which led to a lot of inner distress and arguments with my partner.

I didn't realise that I was trying to get my partner to soothe my abandonment fears and that it was me who had abandoned myself.

All of these led me to lose myself in my relationship, abandon myself and suffer through the pain of unmet needs and an empty life filled with fear, drama and disconnection.

At one point, I decided that enough was enough.

I had given all my power away by letting my partner be in charge of my happiness and wellbeing. I was desperately unhappy in my relationship and, to be honest, I felt ashamed that it was how it was and that I didn’t leave.

What I did next changed my life!

I was determined to figure out how to meet my own needs.

It sounds like the most boring and tedious thing to do but it was exciting, fun and extremely liberating!

I felt more powerful than ever before!

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I raised my standards for how I allowed others to treat me, felt more confident and put up with a lot less.

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I felt much less needy and insecure which allowed me to stop stressing over how my partner behaved towards me.

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I started to set boundaries and limits and  ask for what I wanted without feeling guilty which meant that I got a lot more of it.

How did I do that?

I discovered and developed 'The Thrive Formula'!

It transformed me and it has since transformed the lives of thousands of private clients and students.

Today you can implement it in your life, save yourself a lot of heartache and pain and learn what most people learn in years of therapy in just 5 hours.



The empowered way to banish feeling anxious, insecure and abandoned and to thrive in your relationship instead, make love last and trust your partner so you can finally feel secure and relaxed

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☑️ 5 Masterclass Trainings (valued at $377 each)

☑️ Training Materials to support all masterclasses (valued at $555 altogether)

☑️ Transformative Activities to deep en your transformation (valued at $97 each)

☑️ Private Support Community (valued at $564 per year)

☑️ Lifetime Course Access

Total Value $3489



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Fix Your Needs Deficit

Identify the exact problem areas for focused, fast and lasting change

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5 Top Self-Love Practices

Learn my 5 most powerful practices to grow in confidence

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Create Lasting Change

Discover the most effective strategy to make fast improvements

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Energetic Activation

Tap into your subconscious to call in 'Next Level You'



"What Even Are My Needs?!"

This is what we all should have been taught at school! Discover the fundamental requirements of human wellbeing and thriving relationships.

  • Understand yourself like never before and let go of feeling uncomfortable receiving what you've always been longing for.
  • Find out exactly why you have been struggling so far and how to end this struggle for good.
  • Tackle any underlying shame for having needs to remove subconscious blocks that make you attract emotionally unavailable or selfish partners.
  • Discover why you have been attracting selfish, unavailable or abusive partners and how you can break this pattern for good.

In this module, you'll discover the root cause of your problems and learn how to create real security in your relationship and life.

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"I'd Feel Too Selfish!"

If you're tired of feeling like you "just don't deserve it", then this module is for you!

  • Let go of any resistance or mindset blocks that stop you from taking care of yourself or allowing yourself to receive love and support.
  • Learn how to create the foundation of a healthy relationship model that will allow you to feel secure, loved and relaxed with your partner.
  • Adopt new empowering beliefs that will leave you feeling more attractive and confident than you have ever felt before.

Your transformation skyrockets in this module by breaking free from thought patterns that stop you from valuing yourself and turning to people-pleasing or self-sacrificing instead.


"I don't want to do it alone!"

Thriving is not something you have to do on your own - you get to receive support from so many different sources!

  • Discover the easiest way to get the commitment you've been seeking in your relationship.
  • Find out how to take the pressure off your relationship, be less disappointed in your partner and feel more fulfilled and nourished instead.
  • Banish boredom from your relationship, find out how to have a laugh again, feel lighter and more flirtatious and generally become excited and proud of the relationship you're co-creating. 

In this module, you'll identify your personal thrive tanks and how they can be filled in fun and varied ways.

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This module combines deep healing work with empowerment practices that will awaken a part within you that feels worthy of being loved and receiving what you have always wanted: real connection, feeling seen and being valued for who you are, not for what you do.

  • Heal, build up self-trust after an unhealthy relationship and tap into a new sense of self-worth, confidence and assertiveness.
  • Attract new, amazing people into your life, make dating fun again or improve your current relationships with just 2 of my secret strategies.
  • Experience what it actually feels like to be secure in your relationship, learn to trust and experience a deep connection that soothes your soul (and attachment system!).
  • Find out how to attract your perfect partner if you're single.
  • Learn how to prepare for leaving a relationship that drains you by setting up your new life right now.

You're ready to feel excited, vibrant and alive again! This is what it's all about and this is what will make you enjoy yourself whether you're in a relationship or not.




✓ You are so done with losing yourself in relationships and ready to heal any codependent or people-pleasing tendencies.

✓ You want to feel secure, relax in your relationship, let go of trust issues and abandonment fears.

✓ You need to revive your boring relationship now before it's too late so you can avoid breaking up.

✓ You are ready to enjoy your relationship and life without constantly worrying about what your partner is up to or whether they still love you.  

✓ You want to leave your relationship but want to set up your new life before you do so the fear of being alone doesn't hold you back.


❌ You don't want to look at yourself, re-evaluate and improve your life and begin to empower yourself. 

❌ You don't want to proactively make change happen and instead prefer to cross your fingers, keep in passively 'manifesting' and hope for the best.

❌ You want your partner and the people around you to change so that you don't have to.

❌ You want stay stuck in old patterns because that's easier and allows you to blame your circumstances or past instead of finding the courage to make change happen to improve your life.

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“Since I've started to work with you, I’ve done so many new things and reconnected with old friends. It’s properly shifted me out of overanalysing my past and feeling terrible about myself. It’s fun to prioritise fun! It’s making such a big difference!”


Marlena Tillhon Relationship Coach

What's Changed for Me? 

When I developed the Thrive Formula, I experienced so many positive changes in my life!

  • I went from never considering myself and not knowing what I wanted or needed to knowing what's going on for me and feeling confident enough to express it and act on it. This meant things started to go in my favour.
  • I went from following other people's expectations to thinking about what's best for me and then taking charge of making that happen. I've never felt so capable and confident! My fear of being alone has also vanished.
  • I don't quietly hope that my partner knows what I want or need and then feel like my world is ending because he doesn't get it. Instead, we have conversations that create a stronger bond and deeper intimacy than I knew was possible!
  • I now feel that I matter to my partner, that I have a voice in my relationship and that I'm part of a team. I feel so proud of being in this relationship and have healed on so many levels.

I also wish that I had figured it out so much sooner! But it's never too late to start over and get the love you need ... and I am happy that I can lead by example.

Because if I can do it, so can you!

There Are Two Ways For You To Join

The Thrive Formula is a stand-alone course that will benefit you in more ways than I can describe.

If you want to implement it in a more customised way that will speed up and deepen your transformation, add a private and confidential 1-to-1 session with me.

Course Only


Top features

  • 5 Powerful Masterclasses
  • Transformative Activities
  • Supportive Training Materials
  • Lifetime Course Access
  • 3 Exclusive Bonuses

Course + 1 session


Top features

  • 1 x 45 minute 1-1 session with Marlena
  • Customised feedback and a personalised transformation practice
  • 5 Powerful Masterclasses
  • Supportive Training Materials
  • Everything else included in course

Frequently Asked Questions

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“I had felt trapped in my marriage for many years. I was done with being the supporting actress and having to go without what I wanted. I didn't want to wait for my husband to change so I changed and Marlena's course helped me so much with it. I didn't know where to start and her strategy was perfect. I felt more confident, had lots of fun and my husband actually started to take an interest because he thought he was losing me! Miracles do happen lol”


The time has come for you to confidently get what you want, feel truly loved and matter in your relationship for all the right reasons! It's time to banish the fear of being alone, going without what you want or need and feeling anxious and insecure once and for all. It's time for you to THRIVE IN LOVE & LIFE!

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☑️ 5 Masterclass Trainings (valued at $377 each)

☑️ Training Materials to support all masterclasses (valued at $555 altogether)

☑️ Transformative Activities to deep en your transformation (valued at $97 each)

☑️ Private Support Community (valued at $564 per year)

☑️ Lifetime Course Access

Total Value $3489